Ruru: Finn, Lilly, Sharntey, Garath, Nick, Ronan, Sam, Corey, Kayleigh
Kea: Jessica(Sec), Ellen, Ben, Kyra, Abi, Jarmell, Piper
We are going to plant some new trees and go weeding up the bank, and Matt Barnett from DOC is coming into our school on Friday the 25th of November. Monday at lunch time Ellen, Jess, Kyra, Abi, Sharntey and Olivia are going to help put up the carbon footprint display. And Pip is coming into help with the river project. And the juniors NEED to be talked to about coming to the meetings.
when it says that the juniors need to be talked about comeing to the meatings they need to remember.hopforley they will.
good work in enviro people keep up the good work.
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