Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Kea: Jade, Abigail (sec), Jessica, Ben,  Kyra, Reilly B, Jarmelle
Ruru: Sam, Lilly, Harry, Ronan, Carlie Ann, Finn, Nicki, Sharntay,Kim

We need to put some minuets in meetings.
We should of done some stuff about our topic in schoolgen.
Haveing a photo of the solar squad in our t-shirts and caps.
Copying our minuets.
We need to make more copys of the award.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Enviro Minutes

Kea: Jessica, Ellen, Ben, Kyra, Abi, Piper(sec)

Kiwi: Tilly, Ella, Gracie

Oturu school has discoverd  a way to get rid of nits.Matt is coming next week

Thursday, November 17, 2011

School gen minutes

Kea: Jarmell,Ben,Abi(sec),Reilly(sec)

we are getting Finn to make some more rosters

Friday, November 4, 2011

Enviro Group Minutes

Ruru: Finn, Lilly, Sharntey, Garath, Nick, Ronan, Sam, Corey, Kayleigh

Kea: Jessica(Sec), Ellen, Ben, Kyra, Abi, Jarmell, Piper

We are going to plant  some new trees and go weeding up the bank, and Matt Barnett from DOC is coming into our school on Friday the 25th of November. Monday at lunch time Ellen, Jess, Kyra, Abi, Sharntey and Olivia are going to help put up the carbon footprint display. And Pip is coming into help with the river project. And the juniors NEED to be talked to about coming to the meetings.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Enviro group minutes

Ruru: Finn, Harry, CarlieAnn, Lilly, Sharntey, Garath, Nick, Ronan, Kayleigh

Kea: Isaaac (sec), Jessica(sec), Ellen, Ben, Kyra, Abi, Reilly, Jarmell, Piper

Kiwi: Ella, Gracie

Tuatara: Tilly

Maggie is coming in next week to work with the schoolgen people, and Nick and Jamell are emailing Matt Barnett From DOC about re-labling teh tress in our bush. We also talked about reducing our carbon footprint and plan how to display them. We also looked at some of the otehr schools river project to get ideas for ours.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Schoolgen Minutes

Kea: Jade, Abi(sec), Jess(sec), Ben, Reilly(sec), Kyra.

Minutes:Having a presontoin on Friday: go on he computer and type what fact you said on Friday and we are going to restart the roster.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Enviro minutes

Ruru; Finn, Nicky, Ronan, Sam, Garath

Kea; Jessie(sec), Ellen, Ben, Kyra, Abi, Reilly, Jarmell, Piper

Kiwi; Ella, Gracie

Tuatara;  Tilly, Haylee, Michaela

 Some of us are going out weeding others are working on our river project and we are woking on our cling film dress.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Schoolgen minutes

Ruru: Sam, Lilly, Harry, Ronan, Carlie-Ann, Finn, Nicky, Sharntay, Kim

Kea: Jade, Abigail, Jessica, Ben, Kyra, Reilly, Jarmell

People should put their engry writing in the schoolgen book
having  a solar day where everyone dresses up in the sun colours.
doing items: play, song with drum/gutar back ground.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Kea: Abigail,(sec)Jessica, Jade, Ben, Kyra, Jarmelle, Isaac
ruru: Sam, Lilly,Harry, Ronan, Carlie ann, Finn, Nicky, Sharntay, Kim

This week the roster people are Harry and Ronan

  • We talked about 
  • if some people can make up ome more engey efishent awards to present in asely 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Enivro Group minutes

 Ruru; Finn, (sec) Nicky, (sec) Sharntey, CarlieAnn, Haryy, Ronan, Sam ,Corey, Cayleigh
Kea; Isaac, (sec) Jessie, (sec) Abi, Ben, Reilly, Jade, Jarmell, Ellen
kiwi; Ella, Gracie, Kade

We talked about redusing our cling film to make our project possible. The project was making a dress out of  cling film. We had a vote on whose dress design looked best they all had to be enviromentally friendly in their own way. On friday we are going to be choosing people to help miss O.K with the river poster

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Schoolgen minutes

Kea; Abi(sec), Jade, Jess, Reilly,(sec) Ben, Jarmell,
Ruru; Finn, Nicky,
Teacher; Mrs H, Miss O.K

  •  we talked about....
  •  Some jobs to do for the schoolgen
  • Having a person that goes around the school sometimes to check
  • generation data for our power
  • what questions we still need to answer
  • and the roster we do for our school

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Enviro blog minutes

Ruru: Finn, Harry, Sharntey, Garath, Ronan, Sam, Corey, Cayleigh
Kea: Isaac,(sec) Jessica,(sec) Ben, Abi, Reilly, Jade, Jarmell, Piper
Kiwi: Ella, Gracie, Kade
Tuatara: Abby, Tilly, Michaela
Pukeko: Pierce

We finished off our tree research sheets And clean up NZ week posters.

To do: Talk about cling film and enviro report based on the trees we talked about.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Envirogroup 06/06/11

1.This week a group of people from the envirogroup went to celcius coffee roastery, we talked about their trip.
2.Thanks to Nicky who wrote a review of what they did at the roastery. She read it out to us this week.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Celcius Coffee Roastery

On Tuesday the 5th of July a group of 10 students from the envirogroup went to visit the Celcius Coffee Roastery. The Roastery has won the Green-Gold award for sustainability. We learnt about some things like: 
# Fair-trade Coffee means that the farmers that the coffee beans come from get a fair amount of money for the beans that celcius only buy fair trade.
# All the coffee beans that the roastery buy are grown organically.
# The roastery have designed and made there own compostable packaging.
# One of the only things celcius can not enviromentally control is the transport from were they buy the coffee beans (places like Colombia) to the roastery- a ship burns a lot of oil or fuel.
# The leftover coffee grounds that the roastery have are made into "sweetground" soil conditioner which they then sell to the Upper Hutt City Council.

The 10 students that went were Finn Nicky Lilly Carlie-Ann Garath Cayliegh Riely Ellen Abi and Piper and we all had a great day!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Enviro Minutes

; Everone came

We talked about ideas, to try and reduce our schools power bill. Next week Maggie Twaddle is coming to visit our school from school gen. Ben, Isaac, Piper, Jarmell, Jess, Reilly and Jade have been chosen to start traing to become a part of school gen. We also talked about putting new buckets in the classes called cling film buckets.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Enviro Minutes 3.6.2011

Present: Ruru: Nicky Ronan Cayleigh CarlieAnn Corey Harry Garath Sam Sharntay Finn
Kea: Jade Reily Ellen Jarmel Jessica Abi Piper Ben.
Kiwi: Kade Bethany Gracie

1. we learnt how to write on the envirogroup page and to add photos.
2. SchoolGen Team is: Nicky Ronan CarlieAnn Finn Sharntay Sam. Maggie is coming on the 14th of June to meet the group again.
3.We talked about needing to remind the rest of the school of there class jobs. (Ben and Riely will be doing this.
4. We talked about our river project.
5. We talked about a new idea for a cling film project.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Enviro Minutes 4th/6th May 2011

On the 4th
Present: Ruru: Nicky (sec) Finn (sec) Garath Sam Ronan Corey Harry Lilly Cayleigh Sharntay Carlie-Ann
Kea: Jessica Issac Abi Ben Jade Ellen Piper Allie Jarmel
Kiwi: Gracie Kade
Tuatara: Abby Tilly Michela Shar Kayla Taryn
Pukeko: Elizebeth

1 We were trying to find the carbon footprints! (Miss Okeeffe lost them)
2 We talked about what the display would end up looking like (eg. Title pictures Boarder)
3 Miss Okeeffe found the footprints!

On the 6th
Present: Ruru: Nicky Finn Garath Ronan Sam Harry Cayliegh CarlieAnn Corey Lilly Sharntay
Kea: Abi Allie Riely Piper Ellen Jessica Issac Jade Ben Jarmel
Kiwi: Kade Gracie
Tuatara: Shar Michela Tilly
Pukeko: Elizebeth

1 We talked about what trees we are going to order
2 We continued doing our carbon footprints

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Envirogroup Minutes Date: 13/4/11


Teachers: Mrs Hallmark, Miss O'Keefe, Mrs Homer

Ruru: Finn G, Nicky (secretaries), Cayleigh, Ronan, Corey, Harry, Sharntay, Sam, Garath, Carlie-Ann

Kea: Jessica (trainie secretary), Ben, Piper, Abi, Kyra, Allie, Ellen, Jade, Jarmell

Kiwi: Kade

Tuatara: Tilly, Abby Q

Activities/matters discussed:
1. We discussed some idas of how to downsize your carbon footprint.
2. We continued doing our carbon footprint.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Great Postcard Project!

We have been taking part in the Enviroschools Great Postcard Project.
In our Whanau Groups an older child and a younger child have been working together to write a postcard about what we do as an Enviroschool. We will be sending these to other Enviroschools, such as Greytown Primary School, Johnsonville School and St Benedicts Primary. We have used magazine pictures to decorate the postcards. We have been writing about things like: Movin' March, that we have the Silver Enviro-Award and what kind of projects we have around the school. Soon we will be sending these off and we will receive some for each of the classrooms.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Enviro Group Minutes 23.3.11

 Ruru: Lilly, Cayleigh, Ronan, Carlie-ann, Corey,Harry and Sam
 Kea: Jess, (sec) Isaac, (sec) Kyra, Allie, Reilly, Piper, Abigail and Ben
 Kiwi: Kade and Gracie
 Tuatara: Abby
 Teachers: Mrs Homer, Miss O'Keeffe and Mrs Hallmark
We talked about how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
We did a whole class brainstorm.  Corey hand wrote a brainstorm on some newspaper print.
Lilly typed up our brainstorm using Kidspiration.
 here are some of our ideas.
Turn off television at wall. Turn off lights when leaving a room. Remind the teacher to turn off lights, Interactive whiteboard and computers. Do car pooling more often. Don't leave things charging longer than they need to be.  Use goose paper (good on one side paper) And recycle
we hope you like our ideas :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Envirogroup Minutes 9.3.11

Ruru: Nicola Finn Ronan Corey Harry Lilly Sharntay Sam Garath Cayliegh CarlieAnn Kim
Kea: Allie Ellen Jade Reilly Jessica (sec) Isaac (sec) Abigail Ben
Tuatara: Tilly Abi

We continued reading the carbon footprint story
It is about a little dog finding little black footprints all around the house and it him who is causing all the mayhem!!

(Chapter 3)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Envirogroup Minutes 25.02.11

Ruru: Nicky (sec.) Finn (sec.) Garath Corey Sam Harry Kim Carlie-Ann Lilly Cayliegh Sharntay Ronan
Kea: Jessica Issac Kyra Jamel Ellen Abi Allie Jade Riely Ben

1. We talked about our carbon footprint display. ( It is going up in week 4 term 2 )
2. Mrs. Hallmark chose Jessica and Isaac to be trained up to be secs. next year.
3. The group went to do some Watering and Gardening.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Envirogroup. 16.02.11

Tuatara: Tilly Abby Michela
Kea: Jade Ellen Issac Abi Jessica Riely Jamel Allie Piper
Ruru: Nicky Finn Ronan Cayleigh Corey Garath Lilly Harry Sam Carlie-Ann Sharntay Kim.
Teachers: Miss Okeeffe Mrs Hallmark Mrs Homer

What Happened:

1. We talked about doing some gardening every week.
2. In the next week or so we will finish our river journey display and start a new display for the library (About carbon foot-prints)
3. After we learnt more about carbon foot-prints.
4. Mrs Homer came in and we welcomed her to the envirogroup (she will replace Mrs. Hallmark when she leaves)
5. Finally Mrs Hallmark started reading Carbon's Mysterious Foot-Prints.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Originally uploaded by plateauschool

The envirogroup met for the first time in 2011 last week and really got stuck in to the gardens!

New blog!

We have started using Blogger as our last blog splashed an advert across the top of our page. Blogger is easier to use too! You can still check out our previous blog HERE.