Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday 21st August

Year 6: Will, Wills, Kade, Paige, Gracie, Fairlane
Year 5: Craig, Erin, Nadine, Kayla
Year 4: Olivia
Year 3: Garrett, Liam, Duncan, Tessa, Yasmin, Madeline S Renee

Caitlin Kerr was at Netball training

Today we had a talk to Mrs Olds about how she started making Plateau School a better place by starting Enviroschools with Mrs Sheppard. She said that at the start, she and the envirogroup kids and some parent helpers built the compost bins over by Ruru class. After that Mrs Olds said about how she made the lizard garden a better place by killing the weeds and everyone in 2009 planted a plant each over by the bottom of the bush. Then she talked to us about the stream next to the school about the wandering willie and how to clean it.

We also looked at the old books that the Envirogroup put together for the Bronze and Silver awards.

Minutes by Will Roberts

This is a recording of part of the meeting.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Whanau Groups July 2014

We are incorporating Enviroschools into our whanau group time. We are looking at:

compost and worm farms



school gardens

What are we an Enviroschool?