Friday, October 28, 2011

Enviro group minutes

Ruru: Finn, Harry, CarlieAnn, Lilly, Sharntey, Garath, Nick, Ronan, Kayleigh

Kea: Isaaac (sec), Jessica(sec), Ellen, Ben, Kyra, Abi, Reilly, Jarmell, Piper

Kiwi: Ella, Gracie

Tuatara: Tilly

Maggie is coming in next week to work with the schoolgen people, and Nick and Jamell are emailing Matt Barnett From DOC about re-labling teh tress in our bush. We also talked about reducing our carbon footprint and plan how to display them. We also looked at some of the otehr schools river project to get ideas for ours.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Schoolgen Minutes

Kea: Jade, Abi(sec), Jess(sec), Ben, Reilly(sec), Kyra.

Minutes:Having a presontoin on Friday: go on he computer and type what fact you said on Friday and we are going to restart the roster.