On the 4th
Present: Ruru: Nicky (sec) Finn (sec) Garath Sam Ronan Corey Harry Lilly Cayleigh Sharntay Carlie-Ann
Kea: Jessica Issac Abi Ben Jade Ellen Piper Allie Jarmel
Kiwi: Gracie Kade
Tuatara: Abby Tilly Michela Shar Kayla Taryn
Pukeko: Elizebeth
1 We were trying to find the carbon footprints! (Miss Okeeffe lost them)
2 We talked about what the display would end up looking like (eg. Title pictures Boarder)
3 Miss Okeeffe found the footprints!
On the 6th
Present: Ruru: Nicky Finn Garath Ronan Sam Harry Cayliegh CarlieAnn Corey Lilly Sharntay
Kea: Abi Allie Riely Piper Ellen Jessica Issac Jade Ben Jarmel
Kiwi: Kade Gracie
Tuatara: Shar Michela Tilly
Pukeko: Elizebeth
1 We talked about what trees we are going to order
2 We continued doing our carbon footprints