Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday 6 August

Today the enviro group did some planting we did some herbs like perfect parsley, thyme, coriander and lots more. We put some soil from the plateau school gardens and some water and we also put them in some yoghurt containers. Here are some pics of what we did.

By Gracie Hearfield :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday 25th July

Today the Enviro group did some weeding in the garden. The fun part was that we got out side in the sunshine.We did a great job after all the earthquakes and rain we had in the holidays.

By lily,Ella,Gracie and Kaylee

Thursday, July 4, 2013

World of waste tour

On Tuesday 4 July the enviro group plus Mr Sheehan, Miss S and Mrs Armstrong jumped on a bus and went on the world of waste tour with Jean from Hutt city council, it was AMAZING... We went to the landfill, recycling plant, EarthLink and Macauly metal recyclers.. It was so great to learn so much new information that we want to share with the school and also to see what happens to our waste and how we are a big part of the future. here are a few pictures from our cool day!!! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Enviro group working in the bush at their first working bee

We got busy in the bush pulling out lots of weeds like Wandering Willy that was taking over some areas of the bush.